I’m back!
You may, or may not have noticed my hiatus from blogging. Although this has been a passion project of mine, the truth is, life happens. My hope is that through my experience, I can illustrate the importance of prioritizing, flexibility, listening to your body and living a life that is true to yourself at any given time.
This last fall, life began to feel more hectic. For us it was a combination of discovering that we were expecting on top of coping with family health concerns. Other things can add to chaos for many; work, school, caregiving, finances, even life monotony.
Due to my life stressors, some things fell to the wayside. Obviously, I ghosted the blog, laundry piled up, my exercise routine was non-existent, and we relied more on take out than we typically would have in the past.
During that time, I needed to take inventory on my life. What was serving me? What was just plain stressing me out? Typically, I would feel some guilt with letting so much slide. I would judge myself for not being able to do everything. I let my thoughts shift from “what am I expected to do” to “what do I need?” This switch helped me to release that guilt and life now I needed to at that time.
Since then, I am happy to report that the laundry is done, we’ve been cooking more, and I’m back to my (adjusted) exercise routine. This took some time, but through listening to myself, I was able to cope through this challenging time.
My hope is that you are able to take inventory in your lives. What do you need vs what are you doing out of others expectations or your own prior expectations. Prior you didn’t know the you of today, so it shouldn’t dictate what you need today.
Whatever your stressors, take a pause, re-evaluate, and adjust. It may not be a permanent change, but even if it is, at least it’s fitting what you need in your life. Don’t get stuck in “the plan” mode, and experiment with plan flexibility.
Keep on rocking!